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Department of Information Systems


Staff members of Department of Information Systems teach undergraduate and graduate courses (both full- and part-time studies) for students of Faculty of Management and Computer Science at Wroclaw University of Technology. We also supervise PhD students of computer science.

Within the scope of teaching our Department cares for:

  • the specialisation of Information System Design (PSI) for second-cycle studies in the field of Computer Science;
  • the specialisation of Information Systems (IS) for second-cycle studies in the field of Computer Science,
  • programmes in computer science within the field of Systems Engineering (first- and second-cycle studies).

Our undergraduate teaching covers programming techniques (basic and advanced), data bases and warehouses, information systems design, development, and implementation, software project management.

Specialisation of Designing IT Systems (PSI)

At the graduate level we are responsible for teaching courses at our specialisation of Information System Design. The curriculum of this specialisation has been worked out based on our experience in cooperation with business and suggestions by our alumni. Therefore we prepare properly our students to professional work in software companies and ICT departments of enterprises and institutions. The curriculum encompasses specialisation courses on implementation techniques for information systems, integration of information systems, human-computer interaction, software project management, semantic web, and computational intelligence methods.

Specialisation of Information Systems (SI)

At the graduate level we are responsible for teaching courses at our specialisation of Information Systems. The curriculum of this specialisation consists in comprehensive teaching of designing and implementing information systems in various environments using cutting edge information and communication technologies (ICT), in cooperation with leading software companies. The curriculum encompasses specialisation courses on information system design, project management, business information systems, integration of information systems, interactive multimedia systems, human-computer interaction, web and mobile information systems.

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